ARIADNE, Building with the Tides
10th to 15th March 2015 & 13th to 23rd de July 2015
Ariadne is an international project, organized and promoted by MEZZANINE in collaboration with Peter Stamer, Silke Bake, virgula i (architects collective) and BAAU (Bernardo Amaral Arquitectura + Urbanismo). The project will take place publicly in July 2016, where more than 30 artists, performers, choreographers, students of visual arts and architects, national, and international, will create at Porto International Beach, the meeting point for the development of an interdisciplinary project, which will involve the participation of the general public. This temporary community will provide between themselves production knowledge and artistic practices in an intercultural context. During 4 weeks, this group will plan and build a labyrinth at human scale, from euro-pallets. During the construction period, movement practice, performance / improvisation presentation and classes will take place in parallel with a number of events of free participation, seminars and forums, addressed to all interested members of the public.
> 10 to 15 March 2015 | Artist Residence at Atelier Ceuta83 and Praia Internacional do Porto
Artistic Residence with Ana Rocha, Bernardo Amaral (BAAU), Jorge Gonçalves, Peter Stamer, Silke Bake and with vírgula i collective: JP Pereira, Leonor Macedo, Pedro Guedes e Teresa Aguiar.
> 13 to 23 de July 2015 | Residência Artística at Praia Internacional do Porto
Artist residence of experimentation of architectural models and practices of collaboration for the preparation of the event in 2016, which culminates in a process of continuous creation of a whole month.
> 20 to 21 July 2015 | Workshop at Praia Internacional do Porto
Opening of the work in progress to the community, inviting them to participate in a workshop where we will discuss ways of interaction and communication between performing arts and architecture. Together, we will build models and imaginary around the idea of maze. A temporary building is proposed as a core for experimentation and political discussions implied in the inhabit, occupy and share of specific working conditions on today’s current socio-economic situation.
The workshop will be held at the Porto International Beach and Edifício Transparente, and is an invitation to participants interested in experiencing two days of creative process for the construction of ephemeral structures, from euro-pallets.
The workshop is free entry, with a limit of 20 participants. Every person interested are asked to send a short biographical note and word of motivation, to the following email: office@mezzanine.pt
ARIADNE, Building with the Tides
Production MEZZANINE
Co-production Câmara Municipal do Porto / Pelouro da Cultura
Support Goethe-Institut Porto
Thanks APDL, Capitania do Porto de Leixões, LIPOR, Edifício Transparente, Garage e Teatro do Frio.
MEZZANINE is a performing arts structure funded by Dgartes / Governo de Portugal - Secretário de Estado da Cultura
ARIADNE Workshop | 20.07 & 21.07Ariadne is an international project, organized and promoted by MEZZANINE association, incollaboration with Peter Stamer, Silke Bake, virgula i (architects collective) and BAAU (Bernardo
Amaral Arquitectura + Urbanismo). The project will take place publicly in July 2016, where morethan 30 artists, performers, choreographers, students of visual arts and architects, national, andinternational, will create at Porto International Beach, the meeting point for the development of aninterdisciplinary project, which will involve the participation of the general public. This temporarycommunity will provide between themselves production knowledge and artistic practices in anintercultural context. During 4 weeks, this group will plan and build a labyrinth at human scale, fromeuro-pallets. During the construction period, movement practice, performance / improvisationpresentation and classes will take place in parallel with a number of events of free participation,seminars and forums, addressed to all interested members of the public.From 13th until 23rd July, we will organize an artistic residence of experimentation of architecturalmodels and practices of collaboration for the preparation of the event in 2016, which culminates ina process of continuous creation of a whole month.From 20th to 21st July, we will open the work in progress to the community, inviting them toparticipate in a workshop where we will discuss ways of interaction and communication betweenperforming arts and architecture. Together, we will build models and an common imaginary aroundthe idea of maze. A temporary building is proposed as a core for experimentation and politicaldiscussions implied in the inhabit, occupy and share of specific working conditions on today’scurrent socio-economic situation.The workshop will be held at the Porto International Beach and Edifício Transparente, and it is aninvitation to participants interested in experiencing two days of creative process for the constructionof ephemeral structures, from euro-pallets.The workshop is free entry, with a limit of 20 participants.Every person interested are asked to send a short biographical note and word of motivation to the