Jorge Gonçalves © 2019

Built with

  1. Pass by (the time of day)

    29th September to 1st October, 2011


    The project "pass by (the time of day)" transfers the scenic space of a theatre in the "real" world of extensive underground network of Porto. Therefore commuters routes of Porto become the setting of an artistic intervention. 8 performers are travelling in metro cabins, in stations they perform short improvisations. Thereby they function as bodies which in the project´s frame possess another kind of movement potential as the other passengers, mostly persons on their daily ways to work or education places. To embody this deliberation the tripartite basis elements of the improvisations enable a huge scope of possible movements. The quick rush of the passersby is contrasted by the performers´s extreme slow motion. Their moments of contact are held as neutral and emotionless as possible in order to provide broad interpretation schemes for the spectators, different layers of meaning should circulate freely. 

    After the improvisations the performers reverse their concentration and approach the surrounding "audience": all of them persons they encounter by accident. They get in direct contact with their public/s by taking mobile phone photographs of people who give their consent. Furthermore they inform about the exhibition in a gallery which is open parallel to their action. Since the performers will send the passengers´s portrait photographs via mobile phone (mms: multi¬media messaging service) to the email-account of this gallery there is the possibility that people can see their own image. In addition the pictures of the research/rehearsals that took place in August will form two huge picture walls there. Via the people´s affects an audience is addressed which is larger than a pure art scene audience. 

    Iris Julian,


    Performance, 29th & 30th September | 17h - 20h
    Estações de Metro | Trindade e S. Bento

    Exhibition, 29th September - 1st October | 17h - 20h  
    Casa das Federações Juvenis | Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, 234 | Porto

    With Marta Ramos, Marta Pereira, Caco Caldeira, Inês Gregório, Nuno Escudeiro, Luís Mesquita, Rita Burmester, Fábio Lopes and Isabel Costa


    Pass by (The time of day) | Residency

    MEZZANINE in the month of August, launch an Open Cal to include 8 participants for the artistic project Pass by (The time of day) of Iris Julian, that will be presented at Porto in 29 and 30 of September with a residency in between the dates of 18 to 24 of August in the historic centre of Oporto at the following metro stations – Trindade, S. Bento and Bolhão.